Altair's Light

3 min readMay 22, 2020


For Many years Altair had absolutely no idea what he wanted from life, born at the turn of the century to parents who migrated to a city off the coast of West Africa together after both being separated by concentration camps; all their friends had been thrown in the gas ovens and they had a new view of life.

They had heard from a dark skinned man who came to deliver furniture to their home when they had finally been freed that the city of Lagos was a land full of life, potential, culture, energy and magic, there, Altair was born.

His parents had always told him stories of their adventure and encouraged him to always seek out opportunities to gather stories and to take risks but most importantly to learn from every experience and to set goals but work with systems; a way of measuring accomplishment of his goals by the potential upside of the things he had learned while working towards them and not by the lack of the end result.

Growing up in the magical city of Lagos where traffic was an everyday word and the smell of smoke was almost a necessity for life, it was also the magical city where married men make their rings disappear on the way to Unilag and the carpenter who had his apprenticeship told him many many stories of Juju, Ifa, Sango, Ogun, Osun and a host of Yoruba gods.

After many years of listening to people talk about wanting to be Doctors, Lawyers and Accountants with so much repitition that it started to sound like they were being paid to advertise those three Jobs, he finally discovered that what he needed to do was to be extraordinary; to combine Speaking, Writing with his passion for Food and an understanding financial education in a way that made him different from most chefs, creating a niche for himself by studying the cuisines of cultures he was most fascinated by.... He chose to pick the path that gave him the most options to listen to his parents and create the most compelling stories.

However, Altair was created for greatness, he soon realised one Sunday in 2017 while he sat there and listened to the guest pastor who wasn't supposed to preach, walk to the alter and begin calling out to an unwritten story of greatness; of a man who king, princes and presidents sat with to take counsel and valuable insight. It was weird enough that something in him boiled as the man spoke like he was the one directly spoken to but that could be a coincidence he thought till the fair man in a light blue suit tapped him on the way out after his 30-minute prophetic conversation, an experience much reinforced by his mother's revelation of His identity.

Altair's Light was one that could never be hidden, but it was a matter of time for it to become manifested.

But the details of Altair's story don't matter, because You are Altair.

You may as well stop hiding your light because there is only one of you.

You may as well start telling your story because although many are Similar, there's only one of You.

You may as well take time to find yourself or else no one else will find you.




what point is there in talking about a person that evolves everyday?